Saturday, September 29, 2007

Plantar Fasciitis strikes again!

I've been trying to manage the plantar fasciitis, but since the Philly Distance Run it has gotten worse. Taking most of the week off of running after PDR didn't seem to do the trick. It seems to be worst when I do fast runs, like my 5 mile tempo in Valley Forge yesterday - I think the fast down hills took a toll. I'm debating whether I should do my 13 mile run tomorrow - see how I feel - maybe on the treadmill.

I had a good 2.5 mile swim today - it was the first time I was actually able to control my speed going faster and slower throughout the workout.

I spent most of today working on my bike, and going to the bike store to get tools to do the job right. I'm pretty happy with it right now, but I put my race wheels on and noticed they are out of true. I'll take a shot at truing them, but if I have any trouble, I'll need to bring them to the bike store pronto.

I did a fast ride on Creek Road today (midway through my bike repairs). 2x12 miles at a pretty agressive pace. I'd like to do the same tomorrow, but if I have to cancel my run, I may do a longish ride instead.

My iPod went through the wash earlier this week, so I decided to go out and get another (long plane on Friday - to Hawaii!). Spent half the night last night getting decent music on it.

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