Monday, September 3, 2007

23 mile run

I decided to get my long run out of the way early in the week (labor day). I was looking to do about 23 miles in 3 hours. The hills made it a bit more challenging, with four 200 foot climbs and plenty of rolling hills giving me a total elevation gain of over 2300. I somehow managed 23.2 miles in 2:58 running conservatively early and pushing the last 5 miles.

Leaving early allowed me to avoid the heat of the day - I'll save that for my medium distance training runs and race day. I carried two 16oz water bottles, one with Heed and Hammergel, the other with 2 scoops of Perpetuem. It was a hassle carrying them, but better than not having anything out there. I did a water stop at Northbrook Orchards, about 2 hours into the run. I also skirted along Highland Orchards about 6 miles in and thought of a future course that covered both orchards - the Double Orchard run.

Comparing the elevation of today's run with Kona (left) makes me feel like I'll be ok on the hills. It looks like only a couple of 150ft climbs and a bunch of rollers.

It was a good course, basically an assembly of bits and parts of other run / bike courses that I know. Having a well placed water stop is key any long run. On a hot day, I would have needed water much sooner. Here is the course if you want to do it some day...

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