Monday, September 10, 2007

ear ache, closed track, Bill's first Tri

My left ear started bothering me on Saturday night, so I didn't swim on Sunday. Kept me up until I took some Ibuprofen. It's still kind of sore. I'll give it another day or so, then head to the doctor. Hopefully nothing serious.

I got up this morning and did 12x3min strength on the bike trainer - felt pretty good. I've only been doing 2min repeats until now - jumping to 3mins was tough, but I also increase the rest interval to 1:15 instead of 1min, which allowed my heart rate to get back into normal range.

I planned on doing a track workout tonight, but when I got to the track, there was a big sign saying that the track is now reserved for students - bloody hell! So I jogged over to New street and did 6 hill repeats, then jogged home and did 2 hard miles on the treadmill. Ended up with 10 miles for the day. Oh well, the say everything happens for a reason.

Pete stopped by to pick up some Recoverite and Endurolytes. He did a 6 mile 6:40 tempo run the other day - pretty impressive for an old guy with a bad leg ; ) - He'll probably kick my ass at Philly Distance Run this weekend.

Bill Dawson (president of our local run club) did his first Triathlon this past weekend with his sister and two sons. They all did really well for their first time out. He really seemed to enjoy the experience (I think he'll do another).

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