Saturday, May 19, 2007

killing cancer

Ran 6.5 miles through Valley Forge on Friday at lunch - cool single track along the river - I'd like to take Rachel sometime on MTB ride - I think she would like it.

Friday was a restless night - teenage daughters - need I say more?

I got up this morning feeling sluggish and my ride was pretty weak. I brought running shoes with me and stopped by Downingtown West HS to run some laps with run club friends in the Relay for Life, American Cancer Society event. Most people were walking the track, including the folks from the run club. I didn't realize how big of an event it was, and fortunately, Bill D. let me lock my bike in his car since I didn't bring a bike lock.

So I rode 60 and ran 6 - good day, but my legs felt pretty weak on the ride. When I got home I donated some money to the event in memory of Jim Walker.

I'm considering doing a 63 mile ride with the Bike Club tomorrow - another fight against cancer event - Chester County Challenge Bike Tour.

I should be swimming more - oh well.

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