Tuesday, May 8, 2007

blinding sun and frozen fingers

Rode into work this morning. Whenever I'm riding into blinding sun, I'm get very nervous that the cars behind me won't see me, so I get very defensive. Fortunately I ride in on the roads less traveled, avoiding the likelihood of a car passing me during that period where the sun is at just the right level to blind you.

Unfortunately, I brought the wrong gloves this morning. It was colder than I thought and my fingers were frozen throughout most of the ride. There are a lot of twists, turns and hills, so I don't get too many chances to warm my fingers against my body... brrr.


Anonymous said...

Well, fortunately the weather is warming up and you won't have to worry about frozen fingers anymore. You may need to stop for lemonade more frequently though!

Jesse said...

ha ha - yeah, haven't even posted the lemonade stand encounter yet - but thanks for reading my blog minnie!