Monday, April 16, 2007

swimming on ham and beans

Next to getting enough sleep, I find getting to the pool to crank out laps the most difficult part of training. Once I'm at the pool, I seem to be ok, but getting there is another story.

A long day at work (7-5 with no lunch break). On the way home, after hearing about the Virginia Tech Fiasco on the radio, I called my daughter in college just to say 'hi' and hear her voice. All was good.

I ate dinner at 6 (ham and beans), and got to the pool by 7:15 with a nice full stomach. I had to take it easy anyway, since I haven't been swimming much.

It was actually a pretty good workout and I started to get tired after about a mile of repeats, which was just about right. I was able to hold good form for my 25s and 50s, but when I got the the 75s, I started to lose it and my stroke count went up to 17. Ideally I'd like to work up to 400s while maintaining a stroke count of 15-16 for each 25meters. I'm not focused on speed yet, just quality of stroke.

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