Sunday, July 1, 2007

Things I did right at the last race...

I've already capture the stupid stuff I did at the Philly race and what I would do next time, but it is probably just as important to capture what I did right so others reading this can benefit and I have it written down somewhere, so I can use it in future races...

- no meat or cheese three days before the race; lots of pasta, beans, fish, rice, etc.;
- race morning - 3 scoops of sustained energy + 1 banana 3 hours before the race; 3 electrolytes 1 hour before the race; 2 hammergel packets 5-10 minutes before the race. Sip water leading up to the race.
- 5-10 minute bike warmup before putting bike in transition area
- get body marked and get in transition early enough to set up bike close to isle
- keep transition setup simple... 1 bright towel, helmet and sunglasses on aerobar, bike shoes in pedals, run shoes loosely laced (for easy slip on) and double knotted, run hat (for sun and perspiration), run belt with number on top of shoes and hat
- on the bike, spare tubes and CO2, electrolyes, hammergel packets, race drink (short races, no protein)
- Put on bull frog sunscreen, lube those sensitive areas
- put wetsuit, swimcap, goggles and a throw away water bottle together ready to go to the swim start
- check out transition area - (since I won't be wearing my glasses, it is important to know where things are coming out of the water) - look for key landmarks (in this case, the guy next to me had a big red cooler) - I saw some people who put a helium balloon on the bike rack; check out entrances and exists for each leg of the race; get a feel for how far to run to bike
- ditch the glasses (easy thing to forget to do) and head over to swim start with swim stuff
- watch the pros and early waves during the swim start; look for the path of least conjestion
- swim like a fish
- on the bike, no calories for the first 5-10 minutes
- ride like the wind

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