Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers day

My kids are well into their teenage years and aren't really into early mornings with dad, so I went for a long run with Pete and Ann. I was planning on 12, but it stretched into 14.5 if I wanted to drink the water left on the course by Pete (thanks Pete!). I felt pretty good, but trying not to over do it. I was able to keep my heart rate around 140 most of the run, except going uphill.

When I got home, one daughter had gone to work, the other was on her way, so I had a nice breakfast with my wife Sena. After reading the paper, I was totally exhausted and crashed for about 30 minutes. Sena and I then ran some errands including going to the local Bike Shop (who was having a sale) and Home Depot, my two favorite places. We all went to a movie in the afternoon, then had some awesome spring rolls that Sena and Rachel made up - yum, yum... followed by fresh berries with whip cream, nice.

Anyway, it should be an easy workout week this week leading into the race. I'll want to swim early in the week and really just focus on stroke and form. Very little strength training the week before a race, just lots of sleep and trying to keep away from junk food or food that is hard to digest.

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