Sunday, October 7, 2007

Kona Day 2 - Part 2

Just got back from my run. That Burrito (and last night's pulled pork) were a big mistakes - I had to make 2 pit stops in 8 miles and was extremely fortunate that there were two beaches with facilities fairly well placed and aligned my very impatient digestive system. I've got to get with it - only 5 days until race day - trying to enjoy my vacation and get ready for the Ironman is proving more difficult than I thought.

When I returned to my condo after the run, I realized that I left my key in the last bathroom I was in, so I had to run back (only about 1/2 mile) and ended up with a 9 mile run. I grabbed a cold water and went to this nice little garden court yard next to the condo to stretch while enjoying the sun glimmering across the ocean waves.

So one thing I learned is that the first 10 miles of the marathon 'may' have some shade. I'll try to check it out tomorrow at the right time of day when I think I'll be at that point in the course.

For me, staying cool is critical. That means finding as much shade as possible, running on the white lines on the road, hoping for cloud cover and rain, dosing myself at every aid station - whatever it takes. My afore mentioned stomach problem were not solely due to my poor dietary choices of late, but in large part, due to the heat and humidity. I felt fine at first, but it caught up with me after a few miles and my blood began to boil.

After today's run, I've decided I need to do at least one more run (maybe tomorrow) that includes a few miles in the lava fields.

I got a feel for the'furnace blast' feel on the bike course yesterday, but as soon as the clouds came out, it was fine. So I'm really hoping for cloud cover or I'm toast - literally ; )

Anyway, when I got back to the Condo, I noticed Sena picked up some cold Stella Artois - yum.


Anonymous said...

Man I bet you are ready! Hope all the race prep stuff is going well. I'm sure you are going to have quite an experience. Can't wait to see how it goes!

Be well and race like hell!

Anonymous said...

It's great reading about your adventures -- we're cheering for you back here in PA!