Friday, August 31, 2007
auto pilot
It's labor day weekend and I only need another 3.5 hours to reach my 12 hour target for the weekend. I plan to do 2 hours in the 50 meter pool, because they close it after this weekend. I'd like to do some mile repeats, but the track is closed, so I may have to jump the fence ; )
I wouldn't mind doing a long bike ride, but it would put me way over my hours for the week and I really need to be well rested for the next two weeks. My biggest goal for the weekend - sleep as much as I can!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Twin Peaks

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Count down
I sent an e-mail to Joanne, a friend who did Kona last year asking her if there was any shade on the run course - no such luck. She suggested I drive up to Hilo and do the ride down from the turn around point to a beach about 25miles away, just to get a feel for the raging winds.
A guy from work called me - found out I qualified for Kona - he plans to do his first Half in a month, and his first Ironman next year. From our conversation, I gathered he is a good runner, an average biker, and a beginner swimmer. I tried to give him some basic advice without over complicating things (which is very easy to do).
I biked on the trainer this morning: warmup, 2min max resistance @ 60rpm/1min easyx25. Great workout, but not much fun.
I swam after work, did 10x50 on 1min. I've been focusing on easy, smooth, relaxed swimming and I'm not so sure this speed work is helping - my form starts to fall apart after the first 5 reps.
I'm going to try for 15miles tomorrow in the afternoon sun. That will be my long run for the week, since I've been building for several weeks now, I need a 'short' long run. I plan to start work early, then leave in time to do 2 hours or so at Valley Forge. I'll throw in some hills to make it interesting and let you know how it goes!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
weekly stats
50 run miles
6 swim miles
204 bike miles (lots of early week rain days forced some indoor bike trianing)
6.57 hours running
4.42 hours swimming
11.58 hours biking
My long swim was 2.5miles, as in 40x100meters with a 10second rest (Sunday)
My long bike was 122miles (Sat - followed by 10 mile run)
My long run was 22miles (Wed)
My old bones are still holding up - next week is a down week, so Stats will be significantly lower next time.
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger
I started my bike ride at 6:15am in the fog. Sunglasses beaded with condensation and I was soaked 20 miles into the ride due to the 90% humidity. However, the temperatures were not too bad and the sun was held back for a while due to the fog. About 50 miles in, the sun broke through and the temperatures rose quickly. At mile 90, I returned home to refill my water bottles and pick up a new bottle to put on the run course.
Leaving from my house, the last 30 miles were a hilly familiar loop, but they had roughed-up some of my favorite roads with tar and gravel to improve traction for cars. This drives me crazy, because I really excel on smooth roads - oh well.
Returning home the second time around 1:30pm after finishing 122 miles on the bike, it took a tremendous amount of will power to put on my running shoes and begin my 10 mile run.
Temperatures were over 95 degrees, humidity was high and there was no breeze to speak of. The sun burned my skin even with 70 sun protection on. My pace was too fast from the start and I would pay for it later. I carried a 16 oz bottle with Heed, but realized about 4 miles in that I was going to run out well before I got to bottle number 2. Fortunately I saw a couple of guys at a soccer field with a cooler on their golf cart and asked for some water and they obliged.
My body would not cool off and my heart rate was hanging around 160, not matter how much I slowed. I ran primarily in the shade, but the moments in the sun were brutal and I couldn't help but worry about how much sun I would have to deal with in Hawaii.
Forcing myself to run (not walk) until I got to my second bottle allowed me to reach mile 7, but I still had 4 miles to go (turns out to be an 11 mile course I selected). I told myself I could run one more mile, and after suffering through that mile, I decided I pushed myself to run just one more, and then another until I reached 10 miles. At that point I decided to walk/run up Hillsdale, finishing 11 miles in 1:30 - ouch.
I can only hope the conditions in Hawaii aren't quite so brutal. They say the average high is around 83, but running through the lava fields makes it seem much hotter. I also hope I get a breeze off the ocean, but I'm not counting on the shade.
As they say, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
Friday, August 24, 2007
speed work
I started off strong and got stronger as I went. Miles were 5:50 and 5:45. Lungs had trouble keeping up at first, then the legs were pretty tired on that last 800.
Yesterday I rode into work, and did 2x15mins at a hard pace along the Betzwood trail.
Things seem to be coming together (knock wood).
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
22 mile run
my goal this morning was to run 2hours and 45min or 22miles, whatever came first, while trying to keep my heart rate between 140 and 145...
I finished 22 miles in almost exactly 2hours and 45mins, with an average HR of 142, relatively flat course (elevation gain 1100 ft), on 6 endurolytes, 2 gel packs an 32oz of water.
First couple of miles were slow, but I picked it for 2 of the last miles - all part of the plan.
It was a cool morning and I felt pretty good most of the run. I'm sure on a warmer day it would have been far more difficult, but this run sets me up nicely for my final 2-3 long runs and long bricks. Just need to make sure I don't run for a day or two and let my legs recover.
Inventory: Knees are a bit tender; plantar fasciitis requires constant stretching and massaging; hamstring pull is manageable. All pretty standard stuff for an old guy training at this level.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Rainy Monday
Bike Trainer workout
As much as I dislike riding on the trainer, I have to admit it makes me extremely strong on the bike. I basically do intervals, which makes the time go fast and gives me an awesome workout. Unfortunately I had to cut my workout short because I had to be at the office by 8am, and with traffic in the rain, I need to hit the road by 7.
So the trainer workout is pretty basic and very effective - ride 5 mins in zone 1, 5 mins in zone 2, then start your intervals: 2mins big gear seated, 1min rest, 2min big gear standing, 1 min rest. This is what happens to your hear rate:
You can see where I stopped after the warmup to turn on the fan and later, to fix my chain that fell off.
I hope to build up to a couple of hours on this workout before Ironman.
Speedplay on the Run
I wanted to get a run in at noon, but someone schedule a lunch time meeting. So I got out at 11 for a quick one. After a mile warmup, I ran 20seconds hard, 20 seconds easy for the next 4 miles. Nice cool rain made it very comfortable.
The Swim
I should have skipped the swim since I swam 2 miles yesterday, but I'm trying to get 22 hours in this week. It was ok. Once again, I didn't give myself enought time and had to cut it short at 1.5 miles. It took me a long time to get comfortable in the water, but eventually I got there and by the end of the workout I felt pretty good.
weekly stats
42 run miles
5.5 swim miles
180 bike miles
5h 15min of running
2h 50min of swimming
10h 25min of biking
My target for the week was 20 hours, but by the time Sunday afternoon rolled around, I figured I would be doing more harm than good by trying to squeeze another workout in.
Workouts are shifting from quantity to quality now that I have a good base in place. That means more speedplay and tempo work.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
bee in my bonnet

My destination was at the bottom of a 2 mile hill (rt. 345) which I would climb on my return trip and add another 2 mile downhill followed by another 2 mile uphill (Shed road).
Having shaved my mustache and wearing sunglasses and helmet, my grandmother-in-law didn't recognize me when I got there and there were a few awkward moments trying to explain who I was. We had a nice visit and after too long of a rest and a banana, I made my way home.
After this somewhat hilly 80 mile ride (elevation gain 4300ft), I ran 10 miles, starting off nice and slow and picking it up during miles 8-9, with mile 8 at 6:40 pace and mile 9 at 6:10 pace.
With the cooler weather contributing, this is the first bike/run brick that I actually felt good at the end of the run.
I still need to get 2 hours in today to hit my 20 hour target. Most of it will be swimming.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
great balls of fire
Lesson - don't do long runs unless your properly prepared.
Monday, August 13, 2007
adding speed
I rode 20 miles to Betzwood this morning before work, then did 4x6min with 30 sec rests on the bike. I was going to do 3x10min, but I ran out of trail due to construction on the Betzwood trail, so I shortened my rests. I was hoping to average around 22mph during these segment since I had a loaded pack and it was my first speed session in a while, but I ended up going faster that than expected.
It always feels good to go fast - too bad it wears you out if you try to do it everyday!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
It's what you put into it
I supported her view with the "It's not about the bike" logic. 90% of becoming a better bike rider is about what the rider puts in - how hard the push themselves - how long they go - making sure they get enough rest. Sure 10% is about the bike, but as I fly past the $5000+ dollar bikes on my races, I get a certain sense of satisfaction.
This philosophy has been part of my make up for as long as I can remember - work hard, work smart, and you usually cheat yourself in life if you depend too much on a better bike or a peice of paper from a better school to carry the day.
All that said, there is nothing wrong with investing in a better bike or a better school if you have the means, but it is never a substitute thoughtful training / education / work, etc.
weekly stats & today's tempo run
Well, this was going to be my easy week and aside from my long run and long bike, it was relatively easy...
15.9 hours of training
that is...
41.5miles of running (6 of them were on the eliptical)
3.25miles of swimming (cancelled one of my swim sessions to see my daughter off to college)
152miles of biking (that was only 2 days of biking)
that is...
5.4 hours of running
2.2 hours of swimming
8.3 hours of biking
Tempo Run
Today's tempo run went something like this...
1 mile warmup
4 mile progressively increase speed to 6:45 pace
1 min jog rest
2 miles at about 6min pace
short rest / porta-john stop
2 miles at about 6min pace
1 mile cool down
It felt good to increase my speed - it was easier on my knee (only the first downhill mile was tough on my knee) - it felt like just the right workout
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Dog Daze Century ride
My daughter left for college this morning, so I decided to skip the masters swim and see her off, then head over to the Century ride. The starting point is about 5 1/2 miles from my house, so I figured I would end up doing the full Ironman distance if my knee held out for the entire ride.
The plan was to ride with the WC Bike Club at 8am, but after a group photo, it looked like the A group was going to take a while to get organized, so I just headed out on my own at 8:05, figuring they would catch up at some point and I could draft a while - they never did (probably because I took very few rest stops, which is a hard thing to do with a large group). The people I passed in the first 30 miles must have started before the recommended 8am start time because I flew past them pretty quickly and didn't seem to run into someone that I could ride with.
The weather was just about right, cool in the AM, warming as the day passed. No sunscreen on my arms resulted in a bit of a sunburn by the end of the ride. I wasn't particularly smart about refilling my water at the first 2 aid stations, and got a bit dehydrated in the first half of the ride. The midway point is at the same place as the start, with a morning loop and an afternoon loop. I finished the morning loop by 10:40, and after rehydrating at a water fountain, was ready to tackle the second loop.
The miles came and went a bit more slowly on the second loop. I rode fairly conservatively, trying to be mindful of my knee. I notices some some bad riding habits I have formed when I get tired that puts a lot of strain on my knees and I caught myself several times.
I rode this course with a friend of mine (Chris Bartges) a few years ago - it was my first Century. It seemed so much harder back then and I remember thinking that I could never do an Ironman, because there is no way I could run a marathon after riding over 100 miles! hmm.
Well I finished at about 1:30, feeling pretty good, and stopped for lunch with Frank Dulin, one of the founders of the WC bike club - nice guy - I haven't had a chance to talk with him before.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
rest for the weary
My long run yesterday was way harder than I expected - 17.5 miles where I was only planning on 15 -miscalculated - heat must've gotten to my brain. I ran out of water for a 3 mile segment (miles 9-11), on a very hot and humid morning. I barely made the last mile up Hillsdale. I'm glad I have 5 more long runs to get ready for Kona, because I'm not even close right now. Hopefully my knees, foot and hamstring hold out!
Speaking of which... my knees weren't feeling so great after the run, my foot was really aching this morning, and my hamstring continues to hurt. So, today I will swim, but no biking or running for the next 2 days. Hopefully I recover enough to do the century on Saturday (Dog Daze). My backup plan is to drive to Sommers point NJ and do some open water swimming - I may do that anyway on Sunday.
Tonight I'll work on my bike - really needs a good cleaning and a bunch of other minor adjustments.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
weekly stats
23 hours (all time high!)
43.5 running miles (my longest run was only 10.5 miles)
6 swimming miles (all time high!)
232 biking miles (close to an all time high, but not quite)
That's about
5.67 hours of running
4.08 hours of swimming
13.2 hours of biking
This I'm trying to take it easier, but having a hard time pulling back!
Doing your best...
When people ask me what my race goal is, well, I don't really know how to answer. I can go look at previous year results and know about where I might fall compared to the rest of the field... I could estimate a finishing time, but conditions vary greatly from day to day, and things happen that are beyond my control.
In the end, my ultimate goal for any race is to simply do the best I can - if I can honestly tell myself those words at the end of the race, then I consider the race a success.
aches and pains
Sunday, August 5, 2007
be kind
It's been quite a weekend. I got up early on Saturday and rode 100 hilly miles, followed by a hard paced 6 mile hilly run in 92 degree sun - nearly killed me - hardest workout I've done in a long time (bike/run combination workout is known as a brick). This of course was near the end of a long training week and my energy level was pretty low to start with. I think the 2.5 mile swim on Friday contributed to the low energy level, or was it the 6.5 hours of sleep on Friday night?
At mile 83 of my bike ride, I ran into the West Chester Bike Club - and fortunately it was the group I usually ride with. I also often ride at the front, and while I should have just enjoyed the draft, I somehow ended up at the front pulling the group along Creek road and up most of New Street. It gave me that last push I needed at the end of my ride. Unfortunately, by the time we got back to the parking lot, I was still 8 miles short of my 100 mile target with the 6 mile run to knock out, so I didn't stop to chat.
After a shower and a nap, I went to a nice dinner and the Broadway play "Wicked" in Philly with Sena, Erika and her boyfriend Dave (Rachel refused to go to a 'musical' - teenage stubbornness I guess). Unfortunately, that put us home well after midnight, and having too much chocolate dessert (I'm pretty sensitive to caffeine and sugar these days), I stayed up and read past 1am.
Taylor's Memorial Service
I slept late (7am!), read a bit, made breakfast for me and Sena, and got ready for the Memorial Service. Rachel's friends came over and got ready for the service, and went to pick up more friends.
It was a beautiful outdoor service at Greystone. It is such a loss when someone so young and gifted loses their life. He had touched so many lives in his short life - hundreds attended. My daughter was good friends with Taylor, and after the service, I wish I had known him better. The key messages I took away were reminders to live in the moment, do what you love, and be kind - even try to remind others to be kind.
After the Service, we went to lunch at the restaurant that Erika is working at and she waited on us. It is her last day of working there before she goes back to college and I left her a nice big tip.
Running 10 miles on a full stomach
After our late lunch, I got home and read for a while, but couldn't stay awake. After a long and often interrupted nap, I decided to do the 10 miler I had planned. Unfortunately, I had over eaten and my stomach felt terrible the entire run, forcing me to make multiple pit stops along the way. I like running so much however, even this bad run was ok in my book.
Kenyans of Valley Forge
Anyway, they were running next to the paved trail, on the grass, wearing dark, long-sleeved, full length training clothes. I was in shorts and sleeveless tank, that were sweat soaked at this point. I was gulping air, they were breathing through their mouth, making the whole thing seem effortless. Granted, I had just finished running up a hill, and they had just finished running down a hill, but they were still pretty awesome to see coming toward me. I waved and they waved back with a smile.
At the end of the run, I started to climb a somewhat steep hill to the parking lot and a ~13 year old kid on a mountain bike flys by me, and then slows as he fights gravity up the hill. I run by him, making a comment that he shouldn't let an old guy like me beat him up the hill. Apparently his father was close behind and let out a laugh. I figured the kid would work hard and beat me to the top, but he never passed me and I didn't see him at the top. Oh well.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
keeping it fresh
Today I got close to work a bit early so I decided to tack a few more miles at Valley Forge Park - it was a really nice road with signs labelling it the 'encampment tour'. At that hour in the morning, it was still cool and fresh, with the sun creeping through the trees. Deer and rabbits everywhere. Very hilly making it hard (on the up hill) and lots of fun (on the downhill).
On the way home today, I stopped by a different YMCA and swam in their outdoor 50m pool. I had to pay a small visitor fee, but it was a good change of pace.
Anyway - it's important to do this in all things, not just training, otherwise life becomes dull and unexciting.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Jumping Trains, Fixing Sunglasses
The inside coating on my very expensive prescription sunglasses has been coming off, to the point that I just had to get them fixed - that will be 2 weeks without them... bummer - I love those sunglasses - they are gradient, wrap around, Rudy Project Equinox - got them at SportRx - pretty good on-line company to work with if you're looking for prescription sunglasses for motorcycling or biking.
Anyway, it's Wednesday and I will have 8 hours of training by the end of the day. Should be good for my long training week.